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Friday, December 12, 2014

World War 2

This will be part two of my World at War scenarios, we’ll be covering World War II in both the pacific and European theaters. The RPing mindset will be the same as the last one, meaning that we’ll focus on the emotional aspect of war. If you haven’t seen my WWI RP check it out here, and the guide to RPG Forums here.

We’ll be covering Chugach standard SS 5.1 to understand the key elements of WWII, major events, Key people, place, and technology. To cover we’ll be RPing as a company in the European theater and as a ship crew in the pacific theater.

World War II started officially in 1939, however, Japan had already initiated plans to dominate the pacific theater and Asia. They were already at war with China in 1937, the official World War however, started in 1939 with the invasion of Poland by Germany. Then the subsequent war declarations by the United Kingdoms and France. By 1941 Germany had conquered most of European territories through campaigns and treaties. The United Kingdom and British Commonwealth were the only surviving countries fighting against Germany.

In June of 1941 Germany forming allies with Japan to form the Axis launched its invasion of soviet Russia turning the European theater into the largest land war ever, turning the theatre into a war of attrition. In December of 1941 Japan attacked United States and European Territories and quickly conquered much of it.

The advance of the Axis forces halted when Japan lost the battle at Midway against the US, Germany was then defeated in Africa and then decisively defeated in Stalingrad by the Russians. The Axis losing initiative began strategically retreating, Russia began its invasion into Germany, and the US crippled Japanese naval forces and captured strategic points.


The war ended with the invasion of Germany by the western Allies in the beginning months of 1945. 73 division were led by Dwight D. Eisenhower into Germany. 49 infantry, 20 armor, 4 Airborne divisions. 49 were American, 12 British, 7 french, 3 Canadian and one Polish. This is where the RP will start. The players will create characters as one of the divisions, either infantry or armor. To successfully RP I recommend reading up on real life divisions, watching Fury or Band of Brothers. These two movies I feel give a great example of the emotional development of war borne characters.

For resources check here:
The teachers role for this will be to issue orders and missions for the characters to preform.

Since the war was fought on two fronts the European theater and the Pacific theater. The above resources are for the European while the below are for the Pacific theater.

For resources:


Players of this Rp will play both the pacific and European theater with two different characters respectively. They’ll be playing as navy officers on a naval ship that pushes back against the Japanese threats.

Teachers your role will the same as in the European theater.

Character Sheet:
Name (Your character's Name, make sure to keep in historically accurate):
Age (Your characters age, keep in mind the average lifespan of people back then) :
Gender (Male or female):
Appearance (Writing up two to three paragraphs that describe your character is common):
Personality (Same as the appearance for descriptive):
Biography (Same as the descriptives for personality or appearance):


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