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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Civil war

This post will mark the beginning of modern wars, we’ll focus on the civil war first, then move up through WWI, WWII, Korea, and last Vietnam. If this is the first RPG Forums scenario post you’ve read please head over to here for a guide, and my other RPG scenarios. As a note this series will be RPing wars and the interactions of wars with people. If you’d like to increase RPing accuracy for war try watching Band of Brothers or Fury.

We’ll be covering the Chugach Standard SS 5.2 “Civil war and Reconstruction Era”. Specifically between 1861 to 1865. Specifically we’ll be RPing key events, the interactions between important personal and political events.

The American Civil War was between the Union and Confederacy states.

Upon President Lincoln victory and inauguration of presidency in 1860 the confederacy seceded from the United States. Forming their own nation, soon after in 1861 they attacked Ft. Sumter, located in the middle of charleston harbor, after repeated attempts to peacefully stop the war President Lincoln called on all USA states to send forces and supplies for the war effort against the confederacy.

The Civil War is marked as the bloodiest, harshest and most taxing war for the United States. Lasting four long years, over 237 named battles were fought, this doesn’t, however include all of the minor skirmishes and battles. The war is characterized by its brutality and soldiers lost in battle, it was war fought only to kill troops, instead of conquering lands or resources. The War ended in the late-summer of 1864 when Robert E. Lee's surrendered to  Ulysses S. Grant at  Appomattox Court House.

As this standard is focused on the economic, political and individual events of a large scale war. The goal of the RPers will to role-play as military, slave and political characters. Teachers or the game-master will play as characters that can manage the games timeline and drive it through the civil war.

Students roles:

Teachers roles:
  • Major generals, Robert E Lee, Ulysses S Grant, President Lincoln, and other major roles to help move the rp forward.

Character Sheets will follow a normal format:
Name (Your character's Name, make sure to keep in historically accurate):
Age (Your characters age, keep in mind the average lifespan of people back then) :
Gender (Male or female):
Appearance (Writing up two to three paragraphs that describe your character is common):
Personality (Same as the appearance for descriptive):
Biography (Same as the descriptives for personality or appearance):


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