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Thursday, December 11, 2014

World War 1

This RPG Forum scenario is the beginning of the two part series focusing on the two great wars of the modern era, World War 1 and World war 2. Considering the two wars linked together from the start of the first World War in 1914 to the second in 1939, we’ll be RPing them in sequence as a two part series. For previous RPG Forum posts and guide please check here.

World War 1, also known as the First World War, began in october 1914 and ended in 1918. It was fought between the great powers of the world. They assembled into two alliances: the Allies ( United Kingdom, France and the Russian Empire), and the Central Power of germany and Austria/Hungary. Later Italy, Japan and the US sided with allies while the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria sided with the Central powers. See below for the entire list.


On july 28th of 1914 Austro-Hungarians declared war on Serbia quickly followed up by an invasion. Russia hastily reinforced and supported Serbia. Meanwhile Germany had begun the invasion of Belgium and Luxemburg before moving towards France. This led to Britain's involvement into the war, who quickly halted the Germans at Paris. The war in France referred to as the Western Front quickly become a war of attrition.

Elsewhere on the eastern front, Russia pushed through the Austro-Hungarians and marched forward into Prussia. Although they were quickly stopped by the germans. In november 1914 the Ottoman Empire joined the Central powers opening fronts in Caucasus, Mesopotamia and Sinai. Italy and Bulgaria joined in 1916, allying with the allies and central powers respectively. United states entered the war in 1917 and with a year ended the war. Ratifications were made and peace treaties were signed.

RP wise this scenario is going to focus more on the emotional and human side of this war, instead of the large scale RPing that we’ve done in previous scenarios. On that note, the concept of this RP is for the characters to play as soldiers in a company sent over to engage and end World War 1. You can check my resource section for timelines and information on the war. I might recommend following a historically accurate company from WWI

For character development and ideas on RPing war based characters. I’d recommend watching both Fury and Band of Brothers. Both are highly, in my opinion, accurate to as what I imagine actual war being.

The Game-Masters role in the RP will to form the orders and missions that the players deploy on. Of course you’ll have to be historically accurate, that information you can find below in my resources selection.

Lastly we’ll be covering Chugach standard SS5.4 WWI: “ Understands the key concepts of the First World War and the events leading up to it.”

Character Sheets will follow a normal format:
Name (Your character's Name, make sure to keep in historically accurate):
Age (Your characters age, keep in mind the average lifespan of people back then) :
Gender (Male or female):
Appearance (Writing up two to three paragraphs that describe your character is common):
Personality (Same as the appearance for descriptive):
Biography (Same as the descriptives for personality or appearance):



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