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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

MA 10.3 calculates net pay vs gross pay in gaming

Today we'll be working on calculating net pay vs gross pay, you may have found that your students have issues understanding the relevance of this topic to their current life. I believe I have a fun solution by using World of Tanks(WoT) as an example to aid in the understanding of how to calculate gross pay vs net pay. Why? Well lets start with the basics of calculating net pay vs gross pay. Gross pay is the entirety of your monthly/yearly income, whereas net pay is your "take-home pay." Essentially saying that not everything you earn, do you get to keep. 

But how does this relate to WoT? Well in WoT each time you play a game you'll be spending your money(silver) each time you fire your gun or take damage. For example this was one of games in a T7 American Heavy the T29:

I've marked my gross pay of silver top left hand corner, then the deductions from repairs, ammo replacement and then resupply of equipment, it's then left with my net pay being 28,694 out of 56,898 silver. Which is what I can use Making this a very visible calculation of gross pay vs net pay.
Student Activity:
Testing the Waters

  1. To start the activity you'll want to log into WoT, 
  2. Once logged in choose any tank and enable auto repair and auto resupply, and begin  a game.
  3. so play the game normally, when you've finished the game pull up your detailed report:
    1. should look something like this:
    2. Make note of:
      1. Recieved credits
      2. Auto repair vehicle
      3. Auto resupply ammo
      4. auto resupply  consumables
      5. Total
    3. once you've done this go into your ammo settings and use APCR or HEAT shells(indepth guide found here: link)
    4. Now once you've changed your ammo to premium rounds repeat another game and repeat step 3 and it's sub steps. Be sure to make note of this
    5. Now I want you to take your noted silver gains and deductions and mark which ones are your gross pay and net pay. That's it, calculating gross pay vs net pay isn't a very hard thing now is it?
Hopefully you enjoyed this lesson and if you have any comments, suggestion just post below in the comments section or email them to me at


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