Welcome! The following scenario is a semi-continuation of my Silk Road scenario. If you haven't read my previous scenarios please check them out, it isn't required, but highly recommended. This scenario will be covering Chugach standards 7.8 and 7.9. These standards cover “intensified hemispheric interactions” and the beginning of the Age of Revolutions. They will cover understanding “significant ideas, institutions, people and events” from the Age of Discovery leading to the Age of Revolutions.
To demonstrate these standards we’ll be role-playing the interactions between East India Co, Britain, France and india. Following suit with my previous Silk Road RP scenario we’ll be focusing on globalization. By globalization, I mean, the act of sharing resources to the point that towns and cities can survive without local sustainability. I've chosen the East india Company as the focus because it came to be the single most powerful company involved with early world globalization, through their competition with other European trade companies.
The RP scenario will take place between the 17th and 19th centuries and focus on colonial India, and trading broader Indian ocean. Late game RPing can be adapted to new world trading and colonization, allowing for players to transition into the next set of standards involving the Age of Revolutions. Global trade during the this period fueled the power struggles between European powers. Meanwhile, in India there were several commercial players at work. Mainly this involved the Dutch East India Company, East India Company, and the French East India Company. The RP will be focused on the large scale interactions between these companies and their chartering nations.
The Dutch East India Company was initially the largest of the trading companies established in 1602, when the United States of Netherlands gave a 21 year monopoly to eastern based trade (India and Asia). Statistically the Dutch East India Company was the largest and eclipsed most other companies during it’s prime, which was the 17th century. Sending roughly a million Europeans to the east to trade and police the land they claimed sovereignty over.
Following the Dutch East India Company, the British counterpart was formed as the closely named East India Company. This formation occurred on 31 December 1600, when they were given a monopoly charter from Queen Elizibeth of England to trade in India. The company thrived from trades of “cotton, silk, indigo dye, salt, saltpetre, tea and opium.” They eventually came to govern parts of British ruled India with a privatized army..
The French East India Company was founded in 1667- being the latest to the trading scene. After both the Dutch East India Company and British East India Company. However, the directors of the company were highly experienced, and it quickly rose to become a major competitor to the other two, although at this stage the Dutch East India Company was fading in influence.
Now to the game play! This is a unique RP that spans a large period of time, so unlike my previous scenarios we’ll be role-playing as the major companies, nations and pirates that held sway over the eastern trading routes instead of individuals as in our previous scenarios. Meaning the players will choose roles inside of companies, nations and pirates to control large portions of operations. The teacher or game master will direct the game by following historically accurate timelines and giving consequences to actions that players make.
Players are suggested to play as the following, but can choose any nation or empire related to the topic within the era.
- England
- royalty/govern (Rulers or political parties.)
- navy/army (Commander of the military)
- emissary (Emissary sent to do diplomatic reason with other nations and or companies.)
- French
- royalty/government ( Rulers or political parties)
- Military (Commander of the military, see links below for detailed information)
- Company Roles (you can choose any of the companies that were at play):
- CEO ( Leader of the chosen company, has to follow historically accurate timelines.
- Merchant Navy ( commands the Merchants, Receives orders from the CEO)
- Navy (Naval commander, receives orders from the CEO)
- Army (Commander of the armies, receives order from the CEO)
The Character Sheets will be as follows:
Character Sheet:
Name (Your character's Name, make sure to keep in historically accurate):
Age (Your characters age, keep in mind the average lifespan of people back then) :
Gender (Male or female):
Appearance (Writing up two to three paragraphs that describe your character is common):
Personality (Same as the appearance for descriptive):
Biography (Same as the descriptive for personality or appearance):
- French East Indian Company:
- Dutch East Indian Company:
- British East Indian Company:
- Britain
- France
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