This’ll be the last scenario we cover before entering the modern and post-modern era’s, as the title implies we’ll be covering the Age of Revolutions between 1750 and 1914. The goal of the scenario will be to understand significant events, people and place
s as in the other scenarios. If you haven’t read my previous scenarios on history you can check them out here for formatting and methods that we’ll be using to RP.
This RP will be set between 1750 to 1914, during which four major revolutions occurred, those being the American Revolution, French, Haitian, and Spanish. The players will be able to RP in any of the previously mentioned revolutions singularly. Or, I’d recommend starting with the American Revolution and then build the story-line through the others.
The American Revolution began in 1765 when the 13 colonies revolted against the British empire, uprooting the British control and forming the United States of America. The revolt was caused by a series of social, political and economic mishaps made by the British. This infuriated the local populace and caused the revolution, which was successful, sparking other populace centered revolutions in many European countries and their colonies.
In Europe the french people revolted against the monarchy. The problems arose with several years of bad crops and economical downfall, along with poor ruling from corrupt King Louis XVI. The starving people of France revolted overthrowing the monarchy, replacing it with a democratic system.
In 1791 the tensions of slavery in the French colony of Saint-Domingue reached a climax and broke out into open revolt. The revolt culminated in the creation of the Republic of Haiti. Making this the most successful slave uprising in the European colonies and gave rise to other slave uprisings across the world.
Spain was the next to be affected by the chain of revolutions. Their revolution occurred similarly to the American Revolution. As in the Spanish colonies in South-America revolted, breaking Spanish rule and forming into many nation-states that exist today. However, the revolts didn’t end in full independence, but it did break the casta system ending slavery and monarchy.
The style of this RPG scenario will be similar to my “Rum, Spice and Pirates” scenario in that the players will be RPing as significant people that control governments, armies and politics. So that means that the goal for the player is to RP a significant character from whichever revolution they’re RPing and play them as historically accurate as possible.
The teacher role will be to guide the RP with timeline accurate events. The player will be playing as major characters from each revolution as seen below.
- Teacher:
- The teachers other roles will be to play major characters that the players aren’t playing thus allowing you to control the RP impressively.
- Players:
- Significant characters from each revolution
- Rebel:
- Political leaders ( rebel leaders,
- Military Generals (generals of war, navy and land based military)
- Economic leaders (important traders, diplomats and trading companies.)
- Governmental
- Political leaders (kings, princes, queens, important dukes, and higher class)
- MIlitary Generals (generals of war, navy and land based military)
- Economic Leaders (important traders, diplomats and trading companies.)
Character Sheets will follow a normal format:
Name (Your character's Name, make sure to keep in historically accurate):
Age (Your characters age, keep in mind the average lifespan of people back then) :
Gender (Male or female):
Appearance (Writing up two to three paragraphs that describe your character is common):
Personality (Same as the appearance for descriptive):
Biography (Same as the descriptives for personality or appearance):
- Resources:
- Resources for players:
- Resources for Teachers, or GM:
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