Gender biasism in video gaming isn’t complicated to see or understand, however solving the very prevalent gender biasism is a very complicated task. This is because male dominance has roots that extend as far as the oldest civilization, and even into the animal kingdom.
Unlike in the animal kingdom humans have, at least, a fraction of intelligence and need not share an animalistic method, simple because males are physically stronger. In this case we’ll be focusing on gender biasism in gaming and how those are affected by real world biasism. I’ll be covering three large controversial gender issues in gaming.These are oversexulization of women, verbal abuse against men or women using sexually biased language and how the role of women in history affects modern gaming.
Oversexualization of women in gaming is an escalating problem for game developers. In games the female characters are general oversexualized in appearance to attract male gamers. This is shown in ads that feature over proportionalized women, sexual postures and innuendos.
The oversexualization of women exists on the digital plane of gaming as the avatars and ads. on the other hand the inside of gaming there’s a plane of sexually biased language that is slung around to insult, express simple minded anger, and trash talk. This environment is well known in the Call of Duty franchise, and yes it’s mostly the “kids” of the gaming world that fills Call of Duty, but that doesn't excuse the “gaming jocks” who also take part in moronic exchanges, League of Legends, and most well known online games that are person vs person based.
I believe these issues are the result of history’s bleed-over from real life into gaming. Historically women have always been sexualized, objectified, used as tools for power plays and as “entertainment” for the supposedly superior male gender. Several religious books also refer to how women should be kept, not let unchained and they must always be owned by a man.
So in conclusion, women are highly objectified and sexually presented to appease the dominantly male orientation culture of gaming. I believe the issue stems from the game-developers who use women to publicize their games to increase revenue, this of course is natural because subjection of women is accepted in society. It’s also the same deal with in-game trash talk and insults that use gender biased language. Which results in trying to solve this problem in a very integrated social norm. Requiring an overwhelming proportion of the population to change instil new social norms.
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